RK Kamax K-Max for MSFS

This is one of those helicopters that you either love or hate it. It looks weird with the intermeshing rotor system. I’m always expecting the rotor blades to smash against each other and break into little pieces. But they don’t, of course.

And this thing is a beast.

RK Kamax K-Max for MSFS

All right, it’s not a Chinook-like beast, but it’s a beast nonetheless and it is used on a lot of heavyweight assignments. And even in unmanned ones, by the US Marines. It was also used in resupply missions in Afghanistan, had a firefighting demonstrator and the military even made some tests to use it as an autonomous medevac platform.

Not bad for an odd-looking helicopter.

RK Kamax K-Max for MSFS

As for the MSFS project, RK, the person behind it, is – at what seems to be the trend with a lot of new developers – another one-man team, passionate about helicopters and, of course, the K-Max. But that doesn’t mean he is new to developing as he is the author of KTTD Troutdale.

The focus right now is on the 3D model, but the K-Max already flies in the sim, although it’s still in very early stages of development with the majority of the work being done on the gauges nowadays.

As for if this will be a free or payware model, it is not decided yet.

RK Kamax K-Max for MSFS

When asked about the team, RK said he is working alone as I mentioned previously, but he would be open to a partnership.

Hopefully, RK will see the project through and we will get a K-Max for MSFS in the future.